Passionate educator. Tech Whiz. Lifelong Learner.

I was born in Seoul, South Korea and came to America as a baby. I was adopted and lived in Troy, Michigan for most of my life with my mother, father, and older brother Jason.
As a young girl, I loved going to school and learning. I was very good at reading and had excellent penmanship when it came time to write. I would come home from school every day and teach my stuffed animals what I learned in school that day, as if I was their teacher. I knew right away, that I wanted to become a teacher.
I did exceptional in elementary, middle, and high schools, excelling in my academics and striving to do my best on the athletic field. I was in a total of seven different athletic sports throughout my schooling, with my favorite being field hockey. Going to Michigan State, I wanted to join the team but did not feel confident enough. Regardless, I focused on my academics and graduated with my bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. After graduating in 2015, I completed my internship at Grayson Elementary School in Waterford, Michigan in a fourth/fifth-grade split classroom.
After completing my internship, I moved to Arizona with my family, where I landed my first job as a second-grade teacher in Surprise, Arizona at Parkview Elementary. I was a second-grade teacher for one year and when the opportunity arose, I changed grade levels to Kindergarten. I spent two years in Kindergarten and was then moved to third grade at Ashton Ranch Elementary. I spent two years there and again, unfortunately, district changes sent me to Countryside Elementary where I still taught third grade. I will be at Countryside with new administration this upcoming 2022-2023 school year and continuing to teach third grade.
Seeing my students grow in astounding ways and sending them off to the next grade not only knowing content, but also how to be kind and good in this world is something I strive for in all my students.