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Helpful Links

Throughout my teaching experience, I have had the privilege to learn about many resources and links that will benefit the students, families, colleagues, and staff that I work with. Below are links that I have used in my own classroom to help my students be successful in the classroom and outside the classroom, as a reinforcement for at-home learning. They are categorized into three sections: Students, Families, and Classroom and Colleagues. Simply click on the image to go immediately to the link. Enjoy and feel free to contact me if you have any questions regarding the provided links. 



SplashLearn is a tech tool that teaches all grade level standards in math in an interactive and fun way. Students progress through the game, earning rewards and coins, while also keeping track of their progress in math skills. What is nice about this tech tool is that it is adaptive, meaning it is personalized to their own learning. If students are not mastering content, it caters to their specific skill level. 


99math is a game-based math practice for students learning their addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts fluently. Students play on their own device and teachers can set up accounts for their students to keep track of their progress. What is great about this tool is that students can play in real-time or teachers can assign individual practice. This could be done during centers or whenever students have independent time.



"ClassDojo App" by Apple


"Remind App" by Apple


ClassDojo is a communication app for teachers and families to communicate. It is a great classroom management system, in which it tracks behavior using green and red points. In my classroom, I use this to support students' behaviors by giving them green points for positive behaviors and red points for inappropriate behaviors. Students every month pick from the Dojo Store using their total points they have accumulated from making positive choices. 

Remind is another communication app for families. This is different in which teachers can send messages to a certain group or separate individuals without disclosing their personal information. This keeps personal information private from others. An added feature is the ability to translate messages in over 70 different languages.   

Classroom and Colleagues

Classroom and Colleagues

"SmartyAnts App"​


"Prodigy App" by Apple


SmartyAnts is a reading program that differentiates instruction for all students in their foundational reading skills. It is a very interactive online platform that focuses on keeping students at their zone of proximal development. Students learn the skills needed for reading through games, videos, and online books and can earn different rewards for each lesson. In third grade, I use this program for students who are still not performing at grade level and need a simplified reading program that they can be successful at.

Prodigy is a math program that differentiates instruction by using a diagnostic test to figure out what grade level students are currently learning at. It is a free program for teachers and will cover content from Grades 1-8. A great feature for teachers is the immediate reporting of students' progress. Teachers are able to see where students need support right away. The game-based program keeps students engaged and eager to play more. What's even better about this program is students can battle against one another! 

Generation Genius is a K-8 teaching resource for math and science lessons. Mainly used for science, it brings the science standards to life with engaging educational videos, fun activities, and reading material and quizzes for assessments. There are discussion questions and teacher guides so the lessons run smoothly and class discussions are meaningful. The hands-on activities gets students ready to learn and soak in lots of science knowledge! 


"SignUpGenius App" by Apple​

SignUpGenius is an event organization tool. In my classroom, I use this to create sign ups for parent-teacher conferences and special events in the classroom. It is an online platform so it will not disappear or get misplaced, compared to a paper copy. As a teacher, I get notifications of families who have signed up and want a specific conference time or item. I am also able to send reminder emails to those who have not signed up. 


"GoNoodle App" by Apple

GoNoodle is used during the school day to give students "brain breaks" after learning for a long period of time. GoNoodle includes short, fun interactive activities, sing-alongs, and even relaxation and mindfulness activities. It gives the students an opportunity to move and let out some energy. These "brain breaks" keep students motivated and engaged to make it through the day. Sometimes my students see me dancing to these GoNoodles and are also encouraged to do it alongside with me!

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