Passionate educator. Tech Whiz. Lifelong Learner.
MAET Showcase
Below is a showcase of my graduate work completed throughout my Master of Arts in Educational Technology (MAET) program at Michigan State University. The work is separated into three different themes: technology, leadership, and creativity. Looking through all the projects, assignments, and essays I have completed thus far, I felt these three themes culminated my experiences within this program. They also showed me I have the ability to be a leader, to showcase my creative talents, and to use various technological skills within the classroom. ​
"...accomplishing a task by using technical processes, methods, or knowledge"
Networked Learning Project
Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill with only the accessibility of technology? I was given the opportunity to learn how to backflip using online resources. This multi-step project was a flop but it taught me to persevere, to understand failures help you grow, and to choose appropriate online resources that fit to the specific purpose.
Innovative Learning Experience
Choosing innovative technology that is appropriate to your students can be a challenge. There are affordances and drawbacks to each piece of technology. I created an innovative learning experience plan for my third graders to create a project using two tech tools. This lesson plan demonstrates my ability to integrate technology and coding into core subjects like science.
Ill-Structured Problem and Solution
An ill-structured problem can be complex and involve multiple variables that must be taken into consideration due to the context. I was given the chance to choose an ill-structured problem in my school context and figure out a possible solution that includes the use of a web-based tool. This project showcases my ability to find a purposeful technology that meets a specific individual's needs and share that information using a multimodal presentation.
"...the art of motivating a group of people to act toward achieving a common goal"
Global Vision
Before entering this program, I did not think I had the potential to be a leader. Creating a global vision around the role of educational technology in teaching and learning gave me the power and opportunity to hone in on my writing and communication skills along with providing research to support my ideas.
Personal Leadership Philosophy
Leadership is something we all can do one way or another. It is something we can do with not only our coworkers, colleagues, and students, but also others too. I created a sketchnote video that showcases my communication and technology skills, my qualities and values as a leader, and the importance they play in my role as a leader.
"...the process of generating new ideas, possibilities, or alternatives that result in outcomes that are original and of value"
Passion Quotient, Curiosity Quotient, and Intelligent Quotient
Did you know it is better to have passion and curiosity than just solely intelligence? As a teacher, I have a passion for inspiring students to question the world around them. As a grad student, I have a passion to learn as much as I can within my program. This sketchnote video showcases my creativity and digital tool usage to communicate my knowledge using drawings and written text. It also demonstrates my ability to use a different type of medium to communicate a specific topic.
Self-Reflective and Innovative Art Project
Reflection and lots of creativity are two requirements needed in the MAET program. As I completed course after course, my tech skills blossomed and I was open to new creative approaches. This infographic demonstrates my creativity in displaying information in a unique way. It showcases who I am as a maker, innovator, and an individual who is conscious of my students' backgrounds as well as my own.
Cooking with TPACK
Tools in our world have an intended purpose such as stairs (going up and down), and pencils (to write with). Have you ever thought that a tool would have to be repurposed in order to fit a specific need or purpose? This video not only shows off my fun and enthusiastic personality, but also demonstrates my flexibility of the usage of different tools and repurposing technology to achieve an intended objective.