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Educate Us About Intersectionality, Please!

Stephanie Check

Updated: Jul 9, 2021

Breonna Taylor

George Floyd

Michelle Cusseaux

Michael Brown

What comes to mind when you see or hear these names? Some may not be sure, however, this past summer, we have been reminded about African American women and men who have been oppressed and killed by racial injustice. Based on their race and gender, they have been discriminated against and have to fend for their lives in order to be a part of our society. If this is what it is like for adults, how is it for our younger generation?

Teaching Tolerance's Monita Bell introduces us to a case study of a young girl named Nicole…

In "Teaching At the Intersections" from Teaching Tolerance, Monita Bell (2016) introduces readers to a case study of a young girl named Nicole. Young Nicole is an example of a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw (2016), called intersectionality. Intersectionality is “the multiple avenues of discrimination that people face when their identity encompasses a number of minority categories, connected to things like race, gender, class, and sexuality” (Crenshaw, 2016). She is an African American female student who is from a low-income family. These factors affect her education and her way to success in the classroom and beyond. By understanding these intersectionalities of Nicole’s life, we can support her and not let her fail in the education system. We can take a step back and give her resources and help that will not push her further back.

To better understand intersectionality, watch this animated video provided by Teaching Tolerance (2016).

I share tips in the video below about how educators can push against intersectionality and create discussions in the classroom about the relationship between privilege and power. I also share my experience with intersectionality. I believe understanding intersectionality and having an intersectional lens can help educators support their students and make sure students are successful in their learning experiences.


Bell, K. (2016). Teaching at the intersections. Teaching Tolerance.

Check, S. A. [Stephanie Check]. (2020, July 24). Thoughts About Intersectionality: Check Edition [Video]. YouTube.

Katz, B. (2017, August 29). This video breaks down the abcs of intersectionality. Smithsonian Magazine.

Teaching Tolerance. (2016, May 18). Intersectionality 101 [Video]. YouTube.

Media References

Abrams, Z. (2009, December 1). Countering stereotypes about Asian Americans. American Psychological Association, 50(11).

Bell, K. (2016). Teaching at the intersections. Teaching Tolerance.

Intersectionality Image used with gratitude from MSU Dialogues, 2018 via Maria Serrato

Katz, B. (2017, August 29). This video breaks down the abcs of intersectionality. Smithsonian Magazine.



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