So, what idea do you think I have tossing, I mean flippin’ in my head these days? Let me give you hints.
🅷🅸🅽🆃 1: Carly Patterson (Olympic gymnast)

🅷🅸🅽🆃 3: Backwards
Give up?
As cliché, as it sounds, I have this hair-brain idea of mastering a backflip. YES, very cliché! Young Stephanie had gymnastics experiences during her elementary school days. However, I never got the opportunity to sign up at the local gymnastics gym because I veered towards dance and eventually sports, including field hockey. So the dream of this skill faded.
Now that I know more about affinity spaces, I can network and connect with others who may help me learn how to accomplish this feat! Just a refresher: According to Gee (2018), affinity spaces are “loosely organized social and cultural settings in which the work of teaching tends to be shared by many people, in many locations, who are connected by a shared interest or passion.”
What are my next steps?
I checked TikTok and found the tutorial, shown above. This video provides the motions to initiate a backflip. I am following the creator's account; she has other videos of backflips. There are videos on this app with people mastering or working on this skill. I will continue to use this platform during my project. The platform should help me master backflips. The resources I have found are helpful. Every resource seems to give me more knowledge on the topic.
I do need support in locating affinity spaces and help forums for my project. These are ones that I will need to research, which will take some time and exploration. However, I still have time to research, master, and work on this skill.
Check back to see my progress! Videos of me are to come!
Gee, J. P. (2018, February 26). Affinity spaces: How young people live and learn online and out of school. Phi Delta Kappan.
[Pancakes]. (2013, May 2). Retrieved May 27, 2020, from
Simar's Life. (2020, April 8). Tutorial of how to do a backflip #tiktok #cassidy_t [Video]. YouTube.