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Personalizing My PLN

Stephanie Check

Updated: Jul 7, 2020

PLN? What is that? Please Leave Now? Peace Love Nerds? Not even close. PLN stands for Professional Learning Network. According to Tour (2017), a Professional Learning Network is “an informal group of likeminded people who share their knowledge and provide resources and advice to guide a learner in independent learning experiences in digital spaces.”

This week, I dove into this topic and did some mind mapping of my PLN. To understand my teaching experiences and where I gained my knowledge of education, showing this mind map gives an overview to those that may not know me. Getting a glimpse into my PLN shows who I rely on for support and to help me understand educational concepts along with sharing new ideas. It shows who I can randomly “meet” up and connect with, knowing our commonalities and differences will help us learn more about specific content.

"Map My Professional Learning Network (PLN)" by Stephanie Check, created with Popplet.

I noticed a huge emphasis in social media and my school district. My social media presence is large, as I use Instagram consistently, first as a health and fitness account, and currently as a teacher account. My school district presence is large too, as I have been in this district for four years. I have gained many connections with others throughout the years. This is a huge strength because it shows the vast amount of people I can rely on for knowledge of topics and to share ideas. I believe my Michigan State University and Professional Development Organizations are very small. I wonder if my Michigan State University presence is lacking because I am only a part of this community in the summer. I rarely connect with them during the school year because I am teaching. This is a definite weakness, as MSU is filled with many great networking individuals.

Thoughts? Share on Twitter: @tangledinthird.


Check, S. (2020). Map my professional learning network (PLN). [Photograph of my professional learning network].

Tour, E. (2017). Teachers’ self-initiated professional learning through personal learning networks. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 26(2), 179-192.



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