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Who Am I?

Stephanie Check

Updated: Aug 13, 2020

Looking back at my first week of CEP811, I glanced at the infographic I created. As I scrolled down to where I mentioned makers and innovation, the first thing I saw was “I Am Not a Maker, But My Students Are.”

Stepping back and thinking, “I am pretty sure after 7 weeks of this course, after documenting day after day images of my life, I realized I am a maker.” I never thought of that until now. I am a maker of many things but never seemed to realize it. I think after having the opportunity to create multiple multi-modal presentations, infographics, blog posts with engaging content, it didn’t hit me until now as I reflect.

I never thought about myself as an innovator either. For example, I am already back in school in Arizona. First week is complete. Was I innovative when technology was not in my favor? Uh, yes! I ended up thinking on the spot and changed my plans. I planned a scavenger hunt with my kiddos, having them earn points based on the object they found, and they LOVED it.

As a fifth-year teacher, I believe I have known the concept of intersectionality, however, I didn’t know what to call it. But I know for a fact, I will continue to be aware of my students’ backgrounds and know that does not define who they are. I also need to be aware and know about the various students who I will be working with. Educating myself each and every day helps me become a better educator.

As I continue this school year remotely, I will keep reminding myself these three phrases: I am a maker. I am an innovator. I am aware of students’ backgrounds and my own. These phrases amongst others, are who I am.

"Who Am I?" created by Stephanie Check using Piktochart


Check, S. (2020). Who am I? [Infographic of my self reflection as a maker, innovator, and my knowledge with intersectionality].



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